Start-up / Spin-off


Progetto in finale





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We are reinventing the relationship between students and business world. As per today, no tool enables companies to discover, attract and engage young talents. Our solution is Duing, a recruiting platform that connects companies to young talents leveraging on interaction and engagement.

This tool is able to save around 70% of Human Resources budget dedicated to junior positions and make the selection and recruitment process much easier and faster, plus more efficient.

Duing has been created to solve a problem in the HR world but it’s highly valuable also in the open-innovation sector and would be a great support to foster companies culture of innovation among italian PMIs and companies.

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Risultati stimati

Incremento fatturato Italia

60 %

Diminuzione costi produzione

Minor costo del lavoro
Minor costo servizi accessori

Scopri tutti i progetti dell’edizione 2019